Serious Speech Topics

Important serious speech topics
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

This page focuses on serious speech topics.  These subjects work well when you need to deliver a speech with an important message, rather than a presentation that's purely designed to entertain.

Tips For Presenting a Serious Speech

  • Pick a topic that excites interest in others AND in yourself. The more passionate you are about a subject, the more likely you are to be able to find plenty to say about it... and the more likely it is that your words will carry conviction.

  • Consider picking a controversial topic (evolution, capital punishment etc) but remember that these topics have been used many, many times before. Ensure your approach is fresh, unique and exciting. Don't echo the words of countless speech-makers who've covered the same topics in the past!
  • Consider picking a topic that really appeals to human emotion. Speeches that focus on hope, love, determination etc can be powerful and leave a long lasting impression.

  • Don't rule out the use of humor... even serious speech topics can sometimes benefit from a little light relief. Just ensure that any humor you DO use is appropriate - when discussing serious matters it can be very easy to cause offence, which - of course - you need to avoid.

  • Serious speech topics benefit greatly from the use of specific examples. Support your presentation with real life details and stories that will make your speech more interesting AND more credible.

  • As with all speeches, make sure your ideas flow logically. Use transitions (however, nevertheless, in addition, likewise, on the other hand etc) to help your audience follow your train of thought.

  • Use plenty of emphasis in your speech, including raising/lowering your voice where appropriate.

Serious Speech Topics - Suggestions


  • An arranged marriage makes more sense than a marriage based on love
  • It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees
  • Homeschooling produces more well-rounded students than traditional education

More persuasive speech ideas


  • How caffeine affects the human body
  • How the role of women in the US has changed since the 60's
  • How to grow sprouted grains at home

More informative speech ideas


  • Gender selection is good/bad for society
  • Should the death penalty still exist?
  • Should childhood vaccination be mandatory?

More controversial speech ideas

Serious speech topics for kids

  • What it's like to have a sibling (or other family member) with Down's Syndrome (or other medical condition)
  • Who I most admire and why
  • What I would change if I could go back in time

More speech ideas for kids

After choosing the topic of your speech

Visit my Free Sample of Speeches List which will inspire you AND provide you with a framework on which to base your speech. I hope this helps you get started and produce a presentation you're proud of!

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